When I say the word winter, you’re probably all shouting at me to shut up, go away and be quiet but I am starting to get prepared for it now so when the bad weather comes I’m not going to get caught out.

There are a few items I’m stuck with where to get the best bargains from, so give me a shout if you can recommend anywhere.

I hate buying something without knowing if it’s any good and if it’s worth my money.
So I’m all about the recommendation, help me out!!
So what’s on the shopping list
1. Teaching a waterproof coat
2. More Breeches – I love the Premier Equines ones I reviewed but little to thin for freezing winter times.
3. Long riding boots OR leather chaps
4. Thick socks- Heat holders fan PROBLEM being they are too thick to go underneath riding boots, dam it.
5. New trainers – Random but still got to keep fit for the pony
6. Warmer walking / Outdoor gym clothing
7. Ride on the fly rug – Hopefully, in a sale being super prepared for next summer Ollie hates them
8. Fluff – every kind of warm fluffy item I can snuggle up in
9. Waterproof Riding gloves
10. More waterproofs
We all know winter could be a lot easier if we had all the luxuries the horse world has to offer. Heated rug rails, indoor arenas, every fancy rug and jacket to keep us both warm. However, if you plan and you plan and prepare for the worst it can be easier. Well slightly. Lightweights are a pain in the ass I try and have 2 because at some point that first one is going to fail on you at the most pain in the neck time so having that spare will make your life easier. Don’t be fooled if your waterproofs die. They say they are storm proof, waterproof but they all fail.