Your learning something new, your riding your horse round the arena with all your passion and determination that your going to smash your first canter and then your instructor tells you. "Follow the movement." Your brain turns into a...
Keeping your lower leg still, it’s a common issue within the equine world but a huge factor for instability within the saddle, falls, and bad performance from horse and rider. After all how can you ask for your best aids if your body...
We have all been shouted at one time or another to keep our heels down and if you haven’t count yourself lucky. When questioned as to why our heels get down plus searching the internet I have heard many reasons. It helps keep balance...
What is emotional wellbeing? Emotional wellbeing is learning how to create positive emotions in the face of adversity and enables you to block out the negative thoughts and feelings in order to concentrate on the positives around you...
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