Your learning something new, your riding your horse round the arena with all your passion and determination that your going to smash your first canter and then your instructor tells you. “Follow the movement.”
Your brain turns into a mush.
What is the canter?
How do you sit to it?
What is it meant to feel like?
It is so hard to know how something should feel when you have never felt it before. It can be very easy to get lost in a feeling of something you can do, pick up bad habits and hoping and whishing you magical stumble upon the correct feeling. Some are that lucky and you jammy jammy so and so’s you rock it. However, the rest of us who are stumbling around in the dark. Mechanical Horses are a fantastic way to feel what it should feel like, experience how your body influences the horse without the actual horse.
There are 2 different types of mechanical horse.
Electric and mechanical. You have seen the Racewood simulators but have you seen the Mechanical Millie’s of the world. The human powered simulators that ar designed to help you break down movements into the tiniest chunks, whatever you need and build it back up with complete confidence ready for a horse.
Lets take the guess work out of riding.
The fluffy terminology, follow the movement.
Lets upgrade equestrianism!