Have you heard about Millie’s mission? If you have met myself and Millie then im hoping in some way or another we have changed your riding. For the better im gonna hope and im gonna go out on a whim here and say isn’t it the tiniest things that make the biggest difference.

Your butt feet match the horses feet
You are hind end engaged just like your horse, or are you?
Its squat not trot.

All these little phrases and a whole tone more of cheesy sayings gives people the tools they need to achieve their dreams. It does not have to be complicated prior to what the world is teaching us.


The mission

With travelling the country I cant see you all as much as I like. We don’t spend enough time eating cake together and ya know what I want you to achieve this dream of yours. This burning desire faster and quicker because YOU DESERVE IT. Millie is going online.
Yup all the lessons, tips and tricks. My mindset waffle that afterwards you know your good enough, you know you can do anything its all going online.

  • Real life lessons so you can watch other people – You all said you learn just as much watching a session as riding it. You will have plenty now
  • The lessons you learnt on the simulator, explained in detail and videoed so you cant forget.
  • The lessons we didn’t get round to because we ran out of time – all here
  • Real life horse sessions
  • Experts from other fields
  • A community of positivity and acceptance. WHAT IS THAT WOW
  • YOU questions answered live
  • OH and gifts from hundreds of equine business – our gift to you.


Millie, myself, the eequine team and a whole host of professionals will be here for you to help you smash those goals. This is millies mission and I can’t wait to share it with you.


Are you gonna be a Millie’s mission founding member?

We are looking for 20 founding members to join this community and before we open the doors next year to the rest of the world. Your input will help shape and mold this tribe, this community into a life changing experience and a family for those that need it.

Fill out the application here

Founding members £10 – limited spaces 20 people only

As a founding member you will have access to the site as we develop it. Adding content prior to anyone else having access. Building bonds with other founders and putting your personal touch on the mission. Your struggles, ideas and concepts are what we are going to work on. After all if you have those issues I bet there is a hundred more that do to. Your support and input is invaluable to us and as such your founding members price will be that for life.

Early bird offer £20 – Gonna catch that worm

A month before the mission opens you have the chance to lock in your space at a whopping £10 off. Yup we are going to honor this for life to. There will be no prior access until launch day but you will have just grabbed yourself a bargain jumping on the rocket before launch. See you there.

Every day price £30 – Its open all year round

As of official launch the price you pay for 1 half hour Millie session will be the same as a months worth of love, encouragement and learning. Of course Millie and I will still be travelling and I would love to see you in person. The mission just means the fun can last longer and you can get to where you want to be faster.

If you want to become a founding member fill out the application below.

Sign up here