Winter prep in this horsey house hold has began for both all my ponies and every year the aim is to get a tad more organised. As i am writing this its pouring down with rain, im surrounded by 3 yard cats that usually don’t stay in the lounge longer than it takes to eat. Plus a wet collie that is adamant she needs a cuddle while im not so keen. Welcome to my personal winter prep.
Old guy 17.2 ex racehorse who has been retired for 8-9 years. With ring bone, side bone and navaicular and in his 20’s this was my first horse. Although could beast he is my big baby.
- Delved deep into his feed and took out all the premade crappy feed you never new was there.
- He now has 2 giant hay nets a day, less hard feed
- Joint supplement – Premier performance Joint plus here
- Stomach supplement – Premier performance stomach maintenance here
9 Year old Welsh D x New forest
- Lessons booked every week, we shall own this winter stuffs
- Not rugged currently so dri rug and normal rug put on few hours before lesson and he is good to go.
- Will be clipped when is more mammoth than horse
- 1 feed a day has turned into 2
- All ollie trashed rugs have been well trashed and news ones got in.
- Hay play ball (here) in yellow to help entertain him in the hope my fencing survives longer
Emily stuff
All the things i had to do for me as well as the yard to make it easier.
- New waterproof trousers
- Looking for a riding skirt
- The dogs dri rug -no one likes stinky dog next to your bed
- More haynets so i can batch fill them.
- New thermos coz im cranky when im cold. That’s your warning,
- Fluffy PJS
- Hot water bottle
- Fluffy socks
Lots of things survived from last year which is amazing like all our warm Hi Viz clothing, beanies, waterproof jackets and the first aid kit i didn’t have to use. Good ponies!
Field shelters is a big thing on my mind at the current. I know i don’t like getting wet and the 1 thing that would make my life easier is having somewhere dry to tack up Mr. Oliver. If i master this bit of the puzzle i will let you know. The mission is cheap, practical and council happy.