Follow Up session

Im Glad you made it.

This is your chance to grab your free follow up session - I am here to help you with WHATEVER you like.

Ask your question

This is your chance to ask any question you like, any!

If your struggling or dont understand send me your question through. We will respond with whatever way we feel best answers your question ie, voice note, writting , video, training plan. The possibilites are endless.


Send us a video

Send us a small video

Its all well and good riding on Millie but practicing everything you have learnt on your horse sometimes dosent go to plan. Send us through a video with what your working on, what you want help with and we shall review it for you. Sending you back all the helpful tips and tricks to smash it

How to apply – Email or whats app

Email – with your question or video.

Whatsapp – 07547524819 with your video or question

You must include your number written on your voucher

I look forward to hearing from you

While your here check out the following

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My Brain – The Useful Bits

It’s Mechanical Millie and myself in a Ebook. Some of you seem to like my voice in your head, reminding you about the simple steps to feeling what your horse needs you to feel and not being apologetic about how you do it. People have options you know, there is no right and wrong way … Continue reading My Brain – The Useful Bits

Issue 1 – Horse and Human Health Magazine

Welcome to Issue 1 of a brand new publication dedicated you and your 4 leggeds health. This magazine is crafted with you, the everyday rider, in mind. We understand the passion that drives you, whether you compete at riding club level or simply enjoy spending time with horses. This magazine is your gateway to a … Continue reading Issue 1 – Horse and Human Health Magazine

Ball Bags – Single

These handy dandy ball bags clip onto your D rings of the saddle to hold your balls in place. Here at Eequine use balls to help stretch our hips and release our thighs and knees from the saddle. Just pop the ball in the bag, pull the pull string to keep them safe and pop … Continue reading Ball Bags – Single

Spur Tech straps

When your preparation is complete, and your equipment fails, there are no excuses. Spur Tech straps was born on this notion and we have two variations for all needs. Spur Tech provide the latest in innovation to keep your spur secure and right where you put it. The straps are state-of-the-art, made with the highest … Continue reading Spur Tech straps