Have you ever had the struggle of breeches, jodhpurs or riding tights. What ones to choose that.
- Don’t cost a fortune – My horses steal it all as it is.
- Come in a variety of styles not just white or beige.
- Easy to put on – No one likes the challenge of dragging on sticky tight breeches
- Look stylish
Its a hard challenge matching style with practicality and then price.
I tried Just Jodz burgundy riding tights on and well lets start with the important bit. They cost just £25 which is a total bargain. That is something I can deal with 4 pairs could cost me what 1 pair would at another brand. SO winner on the price front.
They where comfortable – I have bad knees and traditional breeche that are tight pull over my knee and the pain is intense. Skinny jeans are not my friend for this reason either. However riding tights flex and move so my knee was happy, which meant i was a lot less grumpy.
PLUS you couldn’t see my ass through them. Important task when you are buying tights for riding of life is to do the ” can you see my butt through these trousers check.” Its a vital mission and one Just Judz passed.
I had a phone holder, which didn’t mean that my tights where half way down my thighs. They stay in place with their thick waist band which is a revelation. Put a key in the little pocket of my yoga pants and they go from my belly button to me pulling them off my butt.
They are the best riding tights/ gym tights i own because well im not discriminating here if i can wear them at the gym and on my horse that means they are half price because i have 2 for the price of one.
If you want to have a look their prices start from £19 for riding tights but you wont be disappointed or at least i wasn’t.