What is Equihandee?

Equihandee is a Safety Harness for young and disabled riders.  It removes the lifelong issue of trying to hold onto your riders whilst they are in the saddle, it enables the rider to build core strength, find their balance, feel confident and independent in the saddle.

To top all that Equihandee removes the issues for the instructor / parent of having your body going in two different directions. The carefully designed handle sits comfortably in your hand. Allowing you to walk next to the rider with a straight body having full control of your child. In turn this removes the need for a second helper as you can then lead your pony as you hold your child safely

What is the difference between your two items?

Currently there is the Harness and Freedom. The harness was originally created for my own daughter. This product can be worn by any child from the age of 2 to a 10 year old.

The Freedom was created for children with Sensory Needs/Autism. Meaning extra cushioning removes the pressures experienced with sensory needs whilst keeping your child safe or if you require a little extra cushioning this product is for you. The age range for this product is 4 to a 12 year old.

Equihandee are currently working on a 3rd product for riders with Spinal Injuries / no core strength.

Who is it for?

Our products are for children with an age range of 2 – 12 years of age depending on which product you purchase.  Our customers range from Disabled Riders, Pony parties, Riding Schools and Disability Schools

Is there a weight limit?

Yes the products are weight tested and the limit is 35.4KG / 78 Pounds

What made you think of this amazing idea?

Equihandee was created for the safety of my daughter Matilda. Whilst she was learning to ride I struggled to hold her, bunching her clothes at her back or hold her thigh which was very uncomfortable. Leading to the birth of Equihandee.

Where is Equihandee manufactured?

All my products are UK Manufactured.  Looking into the having them manufactured abroad only compromised the safety aspect of it.  It was pointless creating something for my own daughter which was unsafe so decided UK Manufacturing was the best way forward.

How can we find you?

The email address is info@equihandee.co.uk or you can message us through our website www.equihandee.co.uk or we are on www.facebook.com/Equihandee  , www.Instagram.com/equihandee and www.Twitter.com/equihandee