Welcome to our quick Q&A all about bits and some commonly asked questions. The top team giving the advice is BitsnBridles. Check them out below. www.bitsnbridles.co.uk The Question Q: I have a warmblood that was competed in a...
A 3-year study of over 700 horses discovered that the type of bedding and forage that a horse is exposed to has a significant effect on their respiratory wellbeing. The research referenced was carried out by Dauvillier et al. ItÂ...
I would love to introduce you to the wonderful Elise and her story. I have been following this inspiration of a lady for a while now and no matter what life faces at her, which is A LOT she is always positive with nothing getting in...
Sugars in spring grass Winter sees most domesticated horses in the Northern Hemisphere being fed dried forage for months on end to make up for the poor (or, in some cases, non-existent grass) in their field during the cold, dark mon...
My passion is to support the horse and rider, so they can be the healthiest and most connected versions of themselves. Without a healthy rider you can not have a healthy working horse. Without a straight and healthy horse you can’t...