15 reasons to upgrade your seat from your traditional office chair, kitchen chair or wherever else you work. Maybe even all of the above to a saddle seat. If you have been on the fence with upgrading your chair here is our 15 reasons we think you should read.

  1. Can be used all day after brief acclimatisation.
  2. Helps improve you posture.
  3. Adds a swivel to your seat – perfect if you are always moving to different locations.
  4. Easily portable between rooms and buildings.
  5. Comes with a stability pad for allowing use on softer seats.
  6. Comes with felt pad to protect your chair.
  7. Less pain for you.
  8. Fitter spine – woohoo.
  9. Breathable seat – sweaty butt marks is a thing of the past
  10. Sponge clean – if your multi tasking and spill some food its ok.
  11. Comes in a variety of colours. – Who doesn’t like colour options.
  12. Recommended by a variety of health care professionals. – Physio’s, riding instructors.
  13. Lets you wiggle and fidget making all those movements productive.
  14. Adds padding to your current seat.
  15. Money back guarantee – If it doesn’t work out for you within 2 weeks full refund!

Check out our saddle seat here and check out the colours.

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